Revelation 22:1
God is life and the source of life! Not just physical life, but life full of meaning and purpose and joy and beauty. We cannot experience this kind of life on our own. We cannot experience it through anything on this earth. We only experience it in our union with God through His Son Jesus Christ! Jeremiah says the root of sin is our leaving God, the well-spring of living water, and looking elsewhere for life. (Jeremiah 2:13). Here is the good news. In the new heavens and new earth, that abundant life from The Father & Son will flow unhindered for all eternity! Sin will no longer be around to block it.
PRAY: O God, You are life! And you have purchased new life for us through the death of Jesus. Thank you that we can taste and experience that abundant life now as we abide in Christ. But Lord, our hearts are prone to wander off. Thank you Lord that a day is coming when Your life and love will flow into us unhindered for all eternity. We long for that day! Amen.