Stephen Ministry | One-on-One Care
What is Stephen Ministry?
Stephen Ministry is a program for our congregation that equips volunteers to provide distinctively Christian one-on-one care, confidentially, to anyone in our community who is experiencing all sorts of life needs and circumstances.
How can Stephen Ministry help me or someone I know?
- Receive quality, Christ-centered, confidential care for their hurts and needs
- Find hope, healing, and a new sense of self-worth through the support of a Stephen Minister
- Know they are remembered and supported by their congregation in times of personal difficulty
- Receive ongoing care for continuing needs long after the onset of a crisis
- Grow in a deeper relationship with their Lord as they experience God’s unconditional love for them through their Stephen Minister
What are some examples of problems
that Stephen Ministers deal with?
that Stephen Ministers deal with?
- Hospitalization or declining health
- Disability or terminal illness
- Illness or death of a loved one
- Divorce or separation from spouse
- Severe financial setback
- Difficulties associated with aging
- Family or domestic problems
- Isolation or loneliness
The Stephen Ministry program is such a vital part of the care ministries at The Chapel. Our Stephen Ministers are being the hands and feet of Jesus to those who need care in our congregation. 'Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ' (Galatians 6:2).
- Brandon Holler, Senior Pastor of The Chapel

Care Receiver | How do I get a Stephen Minister?
A trained Stephen Minister is matched with a person experiencing a life crisis. The Stephen Minister then meets with the Care Receiver to listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support. He/she usually provides care to one person at a time, meeting with that person once a week for about an hour. Twice a month, Stephen Ministers gather with their Stephen Leaders for supervision and continuing education. The caring relationship lasts as long as the person is in need of care. The identity of those receiving care, and anything that is shared, remains confidential.

Care Givers | How do I become a Stephen Minister
The Chapel offers the 50 hours (18 sessions) of formal Stephen Ministry training at least once a year. Following the 50 hours of training, Stephen Ministers attend peer supervision sessions for continuing education from our Stephen Leaders and encouragement from other Stephen Ministers. Any person wanting to become a Stephen Minister needs only to have the desire to serve God by helping his fellow man. Contact [email protected] if you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister.
Contact Us About Receiving or Giving Care
Confidentiality is the basis of all Stephen Ministry relationships. Anyone receiving care can be assured that his or her identity – and what is shared in a caring relationship – will remain private.

Care Visitations & Additional Resources
If Stephen Ministry care isn't the right fit for you, The Chapel's pastoral staff and other helpers provide regular visits and comfort to people who are in area hospitals and nursing homes. The pastors also provide visits and communion to shut-ins unable to attend regular worship services. If you or a family member want to receive a visit from a pastor or helper, call Phil Johnson, Life Care Pastor, 625-6200, or email [email protected]