
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

- Matthew 6:21

Why We Give

God uses people to give to the ministry of The Chapel. 100% of your gifts provide for 100% of our ministries and operations. We respect your gifts by exercising responsible stewardship, always using ethical business practices, and having full accountability so that the financial integrity of The Chapel is respected.

New & Improved Online Systems & Giving Platform

GOOD NEWS! After prayerful consideration and many hands working behind the scenes, we are excited to announce that our online systems are new and improved to provide a greater experience for everyone. A new system allows our staff and volunteers greater efficiency and better tools to serve, care, connect, and communicate with you. 

Our new online giving tool synchronizes with the rest of our database, streamlining processes for donors and staff. Thank you for all the ways you support God's mission and vision for this church. Your prayers, service, and generosity are truly changing your world! 

Ways To Give

Give Online

Giving online is an easy, one step process that allows you to use your Debit or Credit Card,  Bank Transfer, or Apple & Google Pay  to give to the work of God here at The Chapel. You can designate if you would like to support our General Fund, The Building, or Revive Campagin.

Text to Give

From your mobile phone, send a text
to the number 73256 and type in the message:

In Person

Offering baskets are passed during our services, or you may place your gifts in any of the giving boxes throughout the church (located at the worship center exits, and Chapel building doors 1,2, 3, 4, and 11).


Checks can be mailed to The Chapel to the attention of the Business Office. Contact us if you would like personalized giving envelopes mailed to your home bi-monthly.

ACH Direct Giving

You can authorize a recurring ACH transfer from your bank to our bank. This form of giving is the most cost effective way for The Chapel to receive and process your gift.

Required Min. Distributions

Taxpayers aged 70 ½ or older, please consult with your tax advisor as you may see a tax benefit by giving your Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) to The Chapel directly.

Stock Gifts

Contact your brokerage office about giving to The Chapel through stock transfers. For additional information and instructions, contact the Business Office.