Revelation 21:4
This life can be a roller coaster of emotions! There are so many joys that we experience in life--nature, family, children, accomplishments. But those same things that bring joy can so often be a source of pain, suffering and mourning--natural disasters, heartbreak, loss, disappointments. When we experience those hard times in life, we look around for a source of hope to provide comfort. If we are searching for hope in this world, we are searching in a place full of imperfection, marred by sin. But our hope is not in the current things of this world. Our hope should not rest in things that will eventually pass away. Our hope should come from God alone. In His presence, there will be no more pain and suffering!
PRAY: Father, we look forward to the day that you will wipe away every tear from our eyes! You know our circumstances and struggles here in this life, and you know the plans and purposes you have for all of it! We trust in your plan. Help us to look beyond the things of this life that will pass away, and to look to you alone for our hope! In Jesus' name, Amen.