Revelation 21:3
Think about the Biblical history of the actual presence of God in relationship to His people. Early on God would reveal himself specifically to an individual here and there, like Abraham or Moses. With Moses, God’s word would be passed to the masses through this one man. Later God took up residence in the tabernacle and then the temple. But the average Joe couldn’t get close to God’s presence in the Holy of Holies. Only the high priest, only once a year. Then Jesus brought God near through the incarnation. But even then He was only one person and could only be at one place. After the death and resurrection of Jesus, God sent his Holy Spirit to take up residence in a spiritual way in the life of every believer and every church. Make no mistake, this is a huge leap forward and a tremendous blessing. But there is yet one more level of closeness to God still to come. In the new heavens, new earth future we will live in the literal, physical up-close presence of God. We will move from faith to sight! This being with God and God with us thing is huge. It’s living life forever, intimately plugged into the source of life itself.
PRAY: Precious Lord, we were created to be with You! But sin, my sin, has caused separation between me and You. Salvation through Your Son Jesus and brought us back together. Together spiritual for now, and together physically later. Lord, I can’t wait for later! Help me to spend us much time and make as much progress drawing near to You in this life so that I’m truly ready for the most important aspect of the next life, being with You! Amen.