Matthew 4:19-20
Do you have a burden in your heart for people who are far from God? I’m convinced that we will not share Christ with others if there is no burden! So, if it’s missing, pray for God to increase your burden, to give you His own heart for the lost! I recently read the William Wilberforce, the great abolitionist, kept a list in his pocket of all of his lost friends along with some notes of ways he could uniquely turn the conversation to spiritual things with each of them. And then he did it. Occasionally someone will initiate a spiritual conversation with us, but most of the time the ball is in our court to initiate. Paul prayed for opportunity and courage and clear words. Let’s pray the same, and then do it!
PASSAGE: Matthew 4:19-20 - “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” At once they left their nets and followed him."
PAUSE: Following Jesus is ultimately about fishing for men and women. Discipleship is about following Christ, learning from Christ, and perhaps most importantly leading others to Christ. As we reset, we need to develop a mindset that sees sharing Christ with our friends and family as our priority.
PRAYER: Father, forgive me for being a silent Christian. I want to reset and become more intentional and vocal about sharing my faith with others.